I'm a Scrapbooking Fool! *snick*
It's been a day, let me tell ya!
It started out good - me and the girls met my best friends, Tabitha and Tammy and their kids, Austin, Natalie and Reece, for lunch. We hadn't been able to get together for some time, so it was nice to have lunch and catch up with them (thanks, ladies...let's do it again soon!). Of course, my girls' behavior left little to be desired at the restaurant. It only got worse after that!
I decided since I was near it, that I would stop by Mountains of Memories, a scrapbooking store in town. There is so much there to look at, but Maddie and Mackenzie just kept RUNNING through the store, and no matter what I did to try to correct them, it just got worse and worse. Needless to say, I didn't get to stay very long. I did wind up leaving with $28 worth of stuff, though, somehow...heehee!
I'm feeling really *tired* today. My arms are feeling somewhat weak again, and it's been difficult trying to type or do tedious things with my hands. Pretty frustrating, but what can I do? Trying to carry Mackenzie around was difficult, too, which is mainly why she was running around the store to begin with. *sigh*
BUT...in better news...I did finish my SECOND scrapbook page, which is quite a bit better than the first page was. Here it is:

Of course, I still have lots to learn, but it's a start. I thought it turned out pretty cute anyway...
Oh, and since I couldn't upload it on my last entry, here's the picture of Maddie and her new Dora motorized ATV:

Finally, I got a letter in the mail saying that my next appointment with Dr. Fee set up - it's January 24th at 10:00 AM. Please just pray that he will be able to see first hand what's been going on with me so that we can finally come up with a game plan.
That's it from here...I hope that you all have a wonderful, safe New Years Eve! I truly hope that 2006 brings wonderful things to all of you, my dear family and friends!
Labels: Everyday Boring Life