My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Monday, April 02, 2007

I Think We've Got It Figured Out

So the drug saga continues. Provigil is definitely a no-go. At least it's not just apparently is listed on the "Medication-No Coverage" list for my health insurance in general. (So maybe they don't think I'm a crazy lunatic afterall! I'm sure they see FAR more crazier lunatic people than me every day, but after all I've been through lately, I was fairly certain that I was a crazy lunatic, but I digress...)
So drum roll please....(as if this warrants that)...

I'm now taking AMANTADINE! Yes, this drug treats serious Influenza and Parkinson's patients, and now it's treating me! It's an anti-fatigue drug. Good. It doesn't have SO many side effects like keeping me up all night. Good. My insurance covers it. GREAT! I've only taken 3 doses so far, and I haven't been able to tell much of a difference yet. I'll move up to 2 pills a day at the end of this week, so maybe by then I'll be all smiles and happiness.

In other news...Maddie came down with an ugly stomach bug on Saturday. She threw up all day long, bless her heart. By Sunday, she was better - maybe back to 95%, but then today, again, she's sick. This time it's diarrhea. So this is one ugly bug, and I'm hoping and praying that no one else in the house comes down with it.
Tax season is very fun right now (not). I've been keeping pretty busy most every day. I have quite a few people who have called and said that they are bringing their information to me to do their taxes, but have I seen them yet? NO! Will I see them before April 10th? I'm guessing NO. Hmphf! In the meantime, I know that there are many of you out there that probably feel like I'm ignoring you...I swear I'm not! If you want to come help me get some of these tax returns done, I promise to e-mail and/or call! :)

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Blogger Rhonda said...

I would help if I could. Anything I can do for you long distance via email?

Insurance companies and pharmacutical companies need to be reformed!!!

I'll be praying that this one helps. I can relate with the horrid fatigue and it definitely SUCKS!!


4:18 AM  

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