My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Saga Continues

I haven't updated this blog in FOUR DAYS! Shame on me!! There's a perfectly "good" reason...I've been down and out - BIG TIME!

I'm not certain if it was the bath I took on Thursday night that may have been a bit too hot or the walk around the mall on Friday (or both), but I have been bad, bad, BAD ever since! Severe arm and leg weakness, dizziness, fatigue, etc., etc. It got so bad that by Saturday night I couldn't even put thoughts together. I would look at something, and it would literally take me 5-10 seconds to register it in my head what I was looking at! Scary stuff, let me tell ya! We stayed in pretty much all weekend, so I took that time to try to rest and get better.

Today, I feel somewhat better, but I am still having a lot of trouble with the weakness. Last night I took a shower, and after the shower, I had sat down on the floor to find something under my sink. Phil had to come and lift me up off of the ground because I couldn't even roll over on my hands and knees to push myself up!

I guess the best way to describe how I've been feeling is - well - you know how you feel after you've been REALLY sick with the flu or something like that for a week or more? You start getting better so you get out of bed for the first time in what seems like forever? You know that "I have to drag myself to the bathroom, yet I'd better sit on the edge of my bed for a minute before getting up so that I don't fall over" feeling you have at that point? THAT's how I have been feeling only multiply it by about 10 times.

I've noticed, too, that my arms and legs "go to sleep" a lot quicker and for no apparent reason lately. You know the expression "pins and needles?" Well, it's more like "daggers and hyperdermics" for me. SOMEBODY PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!!!

I just continue to hold out hope that Dr. V is going to be able to help me. He has to! Who else can!?!

I keep trying to remind myself that I cannot do the things that I've been able to do before. I can't walk around the mall for hours at a time anymore. I can't run up and down the stairs 15 times in an hour anymore. I can't take hot baths or showers anymore. Heck, half of the time I can't even THINK anymore.

Something's gotta give.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Mimi - I am so sorry you are going through this! Please know that there are alot of people out there praying for you. I kwym about the flu, I can't imagine feeling like that everyday 10x. I wish we lived closer so that I could be of some help to you but please let me know if there is anything you need, you know I am always here for you!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Adrianne said...

I am praying for an answer...

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got done reading your horrible experiences. I can kind of relate to you some what, because I currently have cronic EBV, there are days were I can't get out of bed, and other days where I can't walk anymore, and days I feel better but not ever 100%. It sucks!!!! I have had a relaspe of EBV. I have 30 years old and I have EBV about 8 years ago. It just never goes completely away. I thought maybe I had MS, I have a sister who has it and my MRI was fine. I just can never get rid of my EBV symptoms.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry - I wish I was closer and could help. You are in my prayers...

6:12 PM  

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