'Twas the Week After Christmas...
...and all through the house, everything was a such a mess that there was not even room for a mouse!
We had a VERY nice Christmas! Hope yours was just as wonderful.
On Christmas Eve, we had Phil's mother's side of the family over to our house for finger foods and gift opening. On Christmas morning, we opened our presents together as a family. Then my Mom and Dad came over for breakfast, and we opened presents with them. Next we went to my Aunt Jane's house to have lunch with my Mom's side. Finally, we went to Phil's Dad's side for dinner. It was a VERY busy two days, but we had a really good time with everything.
Santa was very good to Maddie and Mackenzie this year! (A little too good if you ask me...)
This was Maddie's loot from Santa (a Disney Princess TV and DVD player and telephone, a Bella Dancerella set, a Cold Nose Puppy, a Bratz Big Baby doll, a Cinderella doll, the Littlest Pet Shop, and some Bratz Fashion Plates):

This was Mackenzie's stuff (a Learning Toolbench, a Boohbah, a Wiggles Accordian, a Little Touch Leap Pad, a Little Mommy baby doll, and some creepy Barbie animal set):

Other things the girls got were clothes, Weeble Treehouse playset, Elefun game, a crocodile piano, dolls, Barbies, Legos, books, etc. But THIS was Maddie's big gift from Grammy and Papa Bill (Phil's mom and step-dad) - OK...can't get the stinking picture to upload!! Grrr...anyway, it's a Dora motorized ATV that Maddie and Mackenzie can ride on. It's pretty cool, but Maddie isn't too sure about it yet.
I also had a really good Christmas! Phil got me a sealbelt handbag (the dark brown clutch that I wanted), some CD's, a carrying case and optical mouse for my new laptop, some clothes, and lots of scrapbooking stuff.
I've been wanting to get into scrapbooking for awhile now, but I just haven't had the time or the know-how to do it. He got me a starter kit, an album, some extra album pages and some other accessories (tape, pens, etc.). I did my first page the night before last and I realized that I'm HORRIBLE at it! (I guess it's not TOO bad for my first try, but I have a lot of work to do!)
I think I'm not very good at it because, #1, I'm not all that creative, and, #2, my hand/eye coordination isn't what it should be. Makes it kind of frustrating when I'm trying to cut little circles out of paper...oh well...maybe I'll get the hang of it soon.
Anyway, it was a fun time for us all. I have continued to feel pretty decent except for Christmas Eve and Day...I guess where I was on my feet and made myself so overtired, I was very stiff for those few days. Getting to rest a lot on Monday helped quite a bit to get me back on my feet again, thankfully. My left eye has been giving me trouble and has been really jumpy for about 2 weeks now. I saw an Optometrist (should have went to see an Opthamologist...oh well), and she said that my eyes looked fine and that the jumpiness could be from just being tired, but I've had plenty of rest for the most part over the last couple of weeks, but it just continues...guess if it keeps on for another week or so, I'll go get it looked at by an Opthamologist. It's incredibly annoying!!!
Well that's it from here. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!!!
Labels: Everyday Boring Life
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