My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Where the Heck Does the Time Go??

You know, I swear that I just looked at my calendar and it was January 1, 2006. Now it's November 28th!?! Guess I lost a few days somewhere along the way, huh?

Is it just me, or does it seem like the years just FLY by now? Maybe it was because as a kid the year would DRAG by until school would be out. You think if I went back to school the years would go slowly again?

I mean, my gosh! I'm thiry-...uh, 29, married and have two kids, both of whom are too old already. What happened to dance lessons and football games with friends and spring break and trips to amusement parks and the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and a partridge in a pear tree?


Oh boring old life is just that these days...boring and old. I'm studying for part III of my exam, which I will take in just two days. *GASP* Not prepared...don't care. Blah, blah, blah. I still don't even know what I scored on the II part. Stupid KY Board of Accountancy...slow as Christmas. No wait - Christmas is fast, isn't it? Geez, I'm so confused.

I'm feeling the same as always. Tired, achy, sore, grumbly, irritated, etc. Jolly old times! I go back to see Dr. Fee on December 22nd unless I call him and make him see me again before that since I think my brain leaked out along the way somewhere. (If anyone finds it, please call me - reward offered, but I can't remember what it was supposed to be now.)

The girls are both well. Mackenzie is finally talking a lot now, though when she tells you that her name is "Macky," it sounds more like "Monkey." Maddie is as sweet (and hyper) as ever. She is her Momma's girl, that's for sure. I will brag on her for just a minute...the other night, I had exercised like an idiot and couldn't hardly walk (that'll teach me!). She saw that I was struggling to get down the stairs, so she runs over, grabs my hand and says, "Here, Mommy...hold my hand, and I will help you." Now this makes me a blubbering mess because the kid's just so daggone sweet and understanding, but it also makes me a blubbering mess because NO four year old on this Earth should have to worry about helping their Mother down the stairs, unless, of course, you're that 70 year old woman who had a baby a few years back. Now, SHE might definitely need help down the stairs.

So, as you can see, nothing new here, but SOS-DD. Guess I'll come back another day when I remember again that I've started a blog and should really try to keep up with it. Cheers to you all!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ya Wanna See My Christmas Present???

It's a Philips 42" Flat Panel Plasma HDTV! Mrs. Madden got it for us for Christmas. Last year, she got us a laptop...this year, the TV. Pretty cool!

Actually, I think the thing is absolutely HIDDEOUS, but at least it's fun to watch the UK Basketball games on. It doesn't fit in with my decor at all. Oh well...beggars can't be choosers, huh?

In other news, I feel like a big fat load of crap...physically that is. And no, I didn't say that I LOOKED like that, though that may be negotiable. Same complaints - fatigue, weak arms and legs, cognitive crud...etc., etc. Guess it serves me right, though, if I won't get on the phone and call the stinking Neurologist's office! I'm such a procrastinator...

That's all that's going on around here. Going to TRY to get some cleaning done around the house this weekend, and some studying, too. Thanksgiving (and the next part of my exam) is sneaking up on us quickly.

"It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas....everywhere you go...."


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's 8 Years of Wedded Bliss

Today is mine and Phil's anniversary - 8 years! We've officially made it past the "seven year itch." HA! Bless his heart, he must have the soul of a saint to have put up with me for this long. (Or is it the other way around??? LOL!)

This past year has been especially difficult on him...between job difficulties and dealing with a sickly (sicko?) wife, he's really had a lot handed to him. So to my husband, the father of my children and my best friend - I LOVE YOU! Happy anniversary.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day...and all the fun stuff that comes with it...

Today is Election Day. I have always felt that I need to make my voice heard through my votes. It may or may not have an effect on the outcome, but at least I did my civic duty, which gives me the right to complain, in essence. :)

SO DID YOU VOTE TODAY??? (I promise I will not next ask WHO you voted for - HAHA!)

I have been SO incredibly aggravated with the whole voting process this year, though. When we moved, I failed to find out where we were supposed to vote. This was purely my fault because I'm a practicing, card-holding member of the NPA (National Procrastinators' Association).

I sought out to find the answer to my polling place question at 7:00 PM last night. No neighbor of mine knew where to vote. My Mom and Dad nor any of their neighbors knew where to vote. The stinking newspaper did not even tell us where to vote. town is bass-ackwards (excuse my French), and apparently, they decided to throw people in every which direction when it came to polling places. There are two...not one, but TWO polling places within less than a mile from my house. Did I vote there? NO! That would have been entirely too easy. Turns out, I voted at a church all the way ACROSS TOWN. Yes, I mean it. Who would have thunk it?

I feel disenfranchised (although I did still get to vote, after all). Think I'll go now and write a letter to the nearest chapter of the ACLU. Think they'll take up my case? Think they even have an office in Kentucky? (I'm totally kidding, of course, although our little idiot of a county clerk may get an earful from me...)

Oh, and if there is even ONE stinking message from a candidate left on my voice mail at home when I get there...I'll...I'll...Oh, FORGET IT!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Busy, Busy Week! (But a good one....)

Lots of things have happened over the last week or so...

First of all, I took the 2nd part of my CPA exam on the 24th. I feel like I did very well on it, which probably translates to complete failure. I know, I know...positive affirmations. Whatever.....

Secondly, my buddie Rhonda (aka, Ladybug Mom) came for a visit from Alaska. She came in on Friday and left Monday. We had a really great time with her, and she has a true friend for life in Maddie (and me, too, of course). Maddie misses her a lot and always asks me if we can talk to her on the computer. Heehee.... Anyway, we went to Keeneland and to Double Stink Hog Farm's pumpkin festival. She got to eat at Cracker Barrel, too, which I think she liked. Anyway, we had a great time, and I hope that we will get to see her again one day soon...after she gets her sweet baby girl from China, Sarah Lyn. : ) (Here's a picture of Miss Rhonda and her new best friend, Maddie.)Finally, we took the girls trick or treating on Tuesday night. Maddie was Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, and Mackenzie was Tinkerbell. They had a blast and got WAY too much candy. In the meantime, I've switched from my South Beach Diet/Weight Watchers mix over to the all candy, all the time diet. I can't figure out why it's not working. Here are some pictures of the little princesses (in mind only...not in action).

Maddie curtsying like a true princess. This was how she said she was going to thank people after they gave her candy. She didn't do it:
Mackenzie's costume was absolutely ADORABLE!! And she actually kept the wings on the whole time. The shoes, however, were a different story (they WERE too big, though):
The gals together...not sure what the goofy looks on their faces were about:
Unlike last year, I actually made it around the neighborhood OK. YAY for me!!! I'm hanging in there health-wise. Still have a lot of fatigue and some minor aches, pains and weakness, but the big thing is my cognitive abilities. Bad...bad...bad..... I felt like an idiot when Rhonda was in because I even have a difficult time following conversations anymore, and it seemed like I was constantly repeating myself or forgetting things that she had already told me. So...sorry Rhonda! ; )
Must work motivation today....(not unlike any other day...)
