Where the Heck Does the Time Go??
You know, I swear that I just looked at my calendar and it was January 1, 2006. Now it's November 28th!?! Guess I lost a few days somewhere along the way, huh?
Is it just me, or does it seem like the years just FLY by now? Maybe it was because as a kid the year would DRAG by until school would be out. You think if I went back to school the years would go slowly again?
I mean, my gosh! I'm thiry-...uh, 29, married and have two kids, both of whom are too old already. What happened to dance lessons and football games with friends and spring break and trips to amusement parks and the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and a partridge in a pear tree?
Oh well...my boring old life is just that these days...boring and old. I'm studying for part III of my exam, which I will take in just two days. *GASP* Not prepared...don't care. Blah, blah, blah. I still don't even know what I scored on the II part. Stupid KY Board of Accountancy...slow as Christmas. No wait - Christmas is fast, isn't it? Geez, I'm so confused.
I'm feeling the same as always. Tired, achy, sore, grumbly, irritated, etc. Jolly old times! I go back to see Dr. Fee on December 22nd unless I call him and make him see me again before that since I think my brain leaked out along the way somewhere. (If anyone finds it, please call me - reward offered, but I can't remember what it was supposed to be now.)
The girls are both well. Mackenzie is finally talking a lot now, though when she tells you that her name is "Macky," it sounds more like "Monkey." Maddie is as sweet (and hyper) as ever. She is her Momma's girl, that's for sure. I will brag on her for just a minute...the other night, I had exercised like an idiot and couldn't hardly walk (that'll teach me!). She saw that I was struggling to get down the stairs, so she runs over, grabs my hand and says, "Here, Mommy...hold my hand, and I will help you." Now this makes me a blubbering mess because the kid's just so daggone sweet and understanding, but it also makes me a blubbering mess because NO four year old on this Earth should have to worry about helping their Mother down the stairs, unless, of course, you're that 70 year old woman who had a baby a few years back. Now, SHE might definitely need help down the stairs.
So, as you can see, nothing new here, but SOS-DD. Guess I'll come back another day when I remember again that I've started a blog and should really try to keep up with it. Cheers to you all!
Labels: Everyday Boring Life, Thy Multiple Sclerosis Sucketh