My Neuro Didn't Ditch Me!!!!!!
I'm SO excited...
I had my follow-up appt. with my Neurologist today after my EMG and sleep study. I was fully expecting him to say "It's all in your head - get lost!" (At least that's what my 1st Neuro. said - no wait...he said it was STRESS! )
My Neuro, instead, said - "I want to see you again in 3 months!" He gets it! He really, really gets it! Anyway, he said that my tests came back "unremarkable." He said that he is always happy when he doesn't find any immediate damage, but he also acknowledged that the current findings do not help me with what I'm going through. He let me know that he will continue on helping me to get answers.
He said that he didn't want to do anymore testing right now, which I said was GREAT with me! I've been feeling better lately, with the exception of some fatigue and that darn burning sensation (YAY!), so he said that he wants to see me in 3 months again. If I'm fine at that time, he wants to see me in 6 more months...then 9 more, etc. Of course, if I take a turn for the worse, he said that he definitely wants to see me as soon as something else happens.
He also upped my Neurontin dosage to 1200 mgs. per day (400 mg x 3). This should help take the burning sensations away hopefully. He did say that he still cannot rule out MS. He just can't prove anything at this time. He told me that I am still young and that he wouldn't expect much damage at this point in someone my age anyway. He said that is why he wants to continue seeing me - to keep track of any potential damage that may occur over time.
I'm glad that he is taking me so seriously. I hate that I still don't have any answers, but I'm "cautiously interested" to see what happens in the near future. I fully expected for him to send me packing, but it's just so great to have a doctor who's working for ME!
Oh! My sleep study! It was horrible and I never want to do anything like that ever again. I had 24 electrodes attached to various parts of my body, all with wires attached. They told me I could sleep on my sides, but that was near impossible. Seeing as how I am purely a side and stomach sleeper, this was sheer hell on me! Best part? They come in and ask me if I'm ready to wake up "that morning." I said OK if I didn't have a choice. As they were yanking electrodes (and skin and hair) off, I ask what time it is...5:45 AM!!!!!!!!! ARRRRHHHHH!!!!!! It's freakin' Saturday morning, dude...why are you waking me up so daggone early!?!
Anyway, it's over with...they said that I had no problems sleeping - DUH! I could have told them that!
What else...our good friends, Johnie and Angie, got married on Saturday. Beautiful wedding - FUN reception! We were able to catch up with some old friends that we haven't seen since OUR wedding 7 years ago! It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed getting to get out and have some fun ADULT time.
Finally, my great aunt died over the weekend. She had an aneurism, and she had refused to undergo surgery to fix it. She was 80 years old and after about 4-6 months with this aneurism, it finally took her life. She went very peacefully. Please just pray for her immediate family, they are having a difficult time right now.
I *think* that's it...a lot going on lately. Whew!
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