Maddie Can-Can Dance!
Maddie's dance recital was held over the weekend. (It was titled "We Can-Can Dance," hence the title.) It was a crazy, crazy weekend, to say the least.
Thursday night was the leotard rehearsal, and the thing that stands out most to be about that night was the way all of these parents of these kids just let them have free reign over the Opera House. Toys and food were were RUNNING up and down the aisles. It was amazing and depressing at the same time, knowing that there are parents who just don't teach their children to have respect for anything anymore.
Friday night was the dress rehearsal. All the kids were so cute!! Everyone was contained to dressing rooms the entire evening, so it was a much calmer night. However, our dressing room was located on the 3rd floor - no elevator, no air conditioning. No fun whatsoever! My poor legs would cramp up the second I would start walking up those stinking things! I can walk a mile every night, and it never bothers me. Give me stairs to climb....all bets are off.
Saturday night was just beautiful. I've never been so incredibly proud at any moment in my whole life as when my little girl took the stage to dance. Her and both of her classes did so wonderfully and did everything they were supposed to.
It was just so emotional for me - I miss dancing SO much! Watching all of those girls - young and old - reminded me of when I was young and dancing. I remember being on that very stage all dressed up and smiling under the bright lights. I guess maybe it kind of reminded me of how old I am and how I don't move well anymore. Whoa is me moment? Maybe. But I was happy to have the opportunity to experience this all with my daughter.
Anyway, here are a couple of Maddie's pictures that she had done the Tuesday before the recital:
Baby Ducks (ballet)

Signed, Proud Mama!