My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Can't Believe I Forgot!

Phil and I got a brand new, very awesome laptop computer for Christmas!!! One of the ladies that I work for who is like a family member to me, Mrs. Madden, actually bought it for us for Christmas. I'm so excited!!

It's an HP Pavillion with a 17" screen and all of the bells and whistles. It's even got a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) on it where we can hook it up to the TV and record shows! I'm SO in awe of it. We also got a wireless hub so that I can sit on the couch with it at night and surf the mean, work. Haha!

Actually, it makes it OH SO much nicer because whenever I have work to do, the girls are constantly in the office under foot (literally - under the desk), and I hate to tell them to leave me alone because they already hadn't seen me all day long. Now, if I can keep them from tearing it in the world do I go about keeping them completely away from it.

Anyway, I'm still feeling pretty weak and tired today...blah, blah, blah, blah. I know you all are probably tired of hearing me...I am tired of hearing me! Tomorrow is my appointment with Dr. Hutchinson. I'm going to *attempt* to be organized and go in there armed with as much information as I can. We'll see how far that gets me...

That's about it for today. I'm taking dinner tonight to my friend who had a hysterectomy a few weeks ago. She had a really bad setback last week...she had a blood clot form in her incision and was hospitalized for a few days again while they tried to break it up. It was really scary...especially since she had called her doctor's office and they told her that there didn't sound like there was a problem and she should just let it heal! Luckily that nurse just happened to mention it to another doctor in passing, and he said to CALL HER BACK AND GET HER INTO THE HOSPITAL QUICK! Thank goodness for small miracles, huh?

I guess that's all I have to report for now. I'll write up a recap of my appointment tomorrow.

Also, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has called, sent messages and cards, etc. None of it has gone unnoticed, believe me, and it is ever so greatly appreciated! I'm so blessed with wonderful family and friends!



Blogger Adrianne said...

I hope the dr. went well today.

Yeah for the computer!! How cool!

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love them laptops. We got ourselves one as well. My husband is making a career switch and will be spending mucho time at the coffee shops and library so that he can study uninterrupted. Since I home school my kiddies, we are always home and the noise level can get pretty wicked. Enjoy your laptop...we are!

8:09 AM  

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