My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm Back on the Saddle Again...

Well, I made an appointment with Dr. Hutchinson (my General Practitioner). I figure I'll give him a whirl again...see if he's serious about getting me fixed or not.

I'm going to ask him to go over everything with me - my bloodwork from him and the Neurologist, the MRI scans, the Nerve Study results - and then I'm going to ask him politely to refer me to a MS/Autoimmune Disorder Specialist. I'm going to go through all of my symptoms from day 1 with him. I'm going to tell him everything that Dr. Cooper (aka, the fruitcake) told me. I'm going to tell him about the research that I've done on my own. And I'm going to tell him that I am not going to give up until this is figured out and either I am doing drug therapy or some other kind of therapy.

Mainly, I'm curious to see if a Specialist will find anything on my MRI scans. I've been told by numerous MS people that I've been in contact with that their first Neurologist (a NON-specialist) found nothing on the MRI, and then a second Neurologist (a specialist) found lesions on the SAME MRI scans that the first doctor looked at! Wow!

Anyway, I'm once again hopeful that I can get somewhere with this. I don't *think* that Dr. Hutchinson will give me any trouble about referring me to someone else, but there is a little piece of me that's nervous about it. Don't know why...

In other news...Maddie did WONDERFULLY at dance class yesterday. She was the first person in and the last one out! I think the difference was that Nana went along with us, so she had something to prove. Heehee! Guess we'll have to talk Nana into going EVERY week! HA!

Oh, did I mention the Christmas layaway?? Oh, we went SO incredibly overboard this year on the girls after promising that we would not! We're talking $450 between the two of them. EEK! They'll be having a good Christmas this year, I think.

Better end this now...I was just told by someone that the back passenger side tire on my car looks flat (again!). UGH! The story of my life!!!



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