My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Limitations? What Limitations?

So here's the part where I complain about my long weekend. You knew it was coming! You know, I have to document all of this so that I can talk to my doc about it.'s my journal...I can cry if I want to! (Ugh! Now I'll be singing that song all day...)

Thanksgiving Day, I woke up feeling pretty good, but then I started rushing to get dressed and get the girls dressed. I got a bit stressed and pretty overheated (literally), and next thing I know, I'm stiffer than a board! I make it to my family's OK, only I try to hide the fact that I can't move. I went to sit down at one of the tables, and the first thing my uncle says is, "Melissa, are you limping?" DRAT!!!! How am I supposed to answer that? "Well, Uncle Steve, I'm a bit stiff due to overexertion because I may be suffering from Multiple Sclerosis or some other Autoimmune Disease. Please do not ask me anymore questions." (No, I did not say that!) I simply said, "Uh...just not feeling very well today." Thankfully, he left it at that.

I got lots of other questions from other family members, too. Apparently, I wasn't doing a very good job at hiding how incredibly FRUSTRATED and EXHAUSTED that I was. And it seemed like the more I tried to hide things, the worse it got. I just could not walk - pure and simple!

Fast forward to up, got dressed (at a MUCH slower pace, thankfully), went to dinner, did fine, came back home, started digging out the rest of the Christmas decorations, helped Phil hang the lights, pulled out even more Christmas decorations, decided AGAINST putting the tree up last night, put the girls to bed, collapsed on the couch, immediately fell asleep, woke up to Phil shaking me telling me to go get in bed, threw up, went to bed.

Yes, I said that I threw up. Well, apparently I overextended myself a little too much yesterday. I felt fine all day, but once Phil woke me up to - well, go back to bed (haha!!), I suddenly felt as if I was so completely and utterly EXHAUSTED that my body could not even carry itself up the stairs. I somehow made it upstairs, threw up, and went to bed. At the time, I was thinking, OH GREAT, now I have a stomach bug on top of everything else. It wasn't until this morning that I realized that I feel completely fine (as far as my tummy is concerned) and that it was only complete EXHAUSTION that made me sick. Today I am horribly stiff still, but no more sickies...

The part that irritates me is that had this been 6 months ago, yesterday would have been a completely normal day for me as far as activity is concerned. Now I have ------- LIMITATIONS.

So now the tree looms over my head. Heck, it might take me two weeks to get our 9 foot Christmas tree up and decorated, but it WILL get done. *sigh*

RANT. OVER. (For now...)



Blogger Rhonda said...

Limitations can be SOOOO hard to deal with!! I pray the specialist finds something that's easily fixable instead of MS. Take it easy and do a little at a time--you'll get there.


12:37 PM  
Blogger Adrianne said...

Rome wasn't built in a day and your tree doesn't have to be either. Take it one decoration at a time. Hey you have two "great" helpers!!

1:43 PM  

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