My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Did It!! The Christmas Tree is UP!!

I dreaded it...I hated the idea...I thought about not doing it at all...but it's DONE! That stinking 9 ft. HUGE Christmas tree is up and shining gloriously!

Phil brought most of it downstairs from the attic, and both of us worked for a few hours at getting it put together. It went a bit faster than I thought it would and didn't wear me out nearly as much as I thought it would.

We've only got the multi-colored lights and gold beads on it so far. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to put the ornaments on. Mackenzie is all hands these days, and she's making enough trouble trying to pull the beads off as it is. I guess I could put the ornaments far enough up the tree where she can't reach them, but that'll look pretty funny, huh? I might give it a try...Maddie has some new ornaments that she really wants to put on there.

After it's all done, I'll post pictures of the decorations and post them here. New house, new decorations...I'm getting a *little bit* excited now!

I'm STILL waiting on my stinking doctor's office to call me back regarding my appointment with the Specialist. It'll be a week tomorrow that I've been waiting for the date. Last time, it took them a whole week to call me back, but that's after I called them 15 times myself. Guess I'm going to have to get on the phone again today. I shouldn't HAVE TO!!!!!! Grrrrr... (I do a lot of these days, don't I?)

Guess that's it for today...the temperature went from 70 yesterday back down to 45 today. Sheesh! I wish it would make up its mind. It's wreaking havoc on my allergies!! You know what they say about the weather in Kentucky....stick around and it'll change.



Blogger Rhonda said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your tree. Might inspire me to get around to putting decorations up around my house. LOL!!

Doesn't waiting for Dr.'s offices to call just the most annoying thing? I hope that they call you soon.


2:07 PM  

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