What a Pain in the Head!!
What's worse than a pain in the butt?
A pain in the head. A least a "pain in the butt" is a person you can potentially get rid of. Ha-ha...I know...so *not* funny.
I spent the entire weekend with what felt like a large dagger sticking out of the right side of my head. It was not a headache, but rather one of my now infamous "brain pains." I started out my very first flare-up with the exact same pain well over a year ago, and now it's BAAAACK. It's a very sharp, continuous pain that is right above my right ear in my head. This time, though, it took my eyeball with it. Along with the brain pain was what seemed like a right eye that may pop out of its socket at any second. I don't know...I just report this stuff. No one ever said that any of it made any sense...
(*Gross talk over*)
So I called my Neurologist on Thursday to try to get off of the horrible Desipramine that I was put on, and I got a call back this morning. If anyone is keeping count, that is 5, yes FIVE, days after I called that I got a response. So I'm off of the Desipramine...it made me not be able to open my mouth when I sang in the praise team at church (no saliva), and that was a tad bit on the embarrassing side. It made me tired on top of my existing fatigue, too, but no one seems to care about that. I mean, who really cares if I'm walking, driving, pushing a cart, transferring money online, etc., with my eyes closed and my brain completely shut down! Gosh, what on Earth was I thinking???
I'm, instead, getting an upped dosage of Neurontin, which I asked for in the first place, from 1600 mgs/day to 2000 mgs/day. I'm to rotate dosages 400 mg/600 mg/400 mg/600 mg. (That adds up to 2000, right?) Anyway, I'm pleased that the Nurse Practitioner called me back, but she had no earthly clue what I was talking about when I told her about my weekend-long brain pain. She just kept on saying, "and it lasted all weekend?" Uh, yes, that's what I said.
Oh, and still no date on the MRI and VEP test, surprise, surprise. Who would have thought that? I mean, it's only been ONE month since my appointment with no word. My guess is that I'll get the date 3 months post-appointment after all of my symptoms leave when it will be USELESS ANYWAY!!!! Grrrr...
Must get off of this topic...
I re-took the 3rd part of my CPA exam last week - I feel like I did exceptionally well on it, which always worries me. I hope that it's at least a 75...I'm running out of hope here...
Oh, I must also report that my 4 year old has her very first boyfriend. His name is Alex, and he's in her Preschool class. It's quite funny actually. I volunteer with drop-offs on Friday mornings, and I have gotten to know all of the kids both in Maddie's class and in the other 4 year old class next to hers. Anyway, Alex comes in every time and immediately runs over to Maddie, gets right in her face and says, "Hello Madeline." Well, last week, Maddie was cold, so Alex tells her, "I can snuggle with you and keep you warm." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! My initial reaction was HEY, BACKUP KID! but then my sane senses prevailed, and I realized that it was actually very funny and cute.
So Maddie tells me a few days later, "Mommy, I love Alex and he loves me." Good to know. Will it be a love that lasts forever...uh, no. Is it absolutely adorable and sweet right now...absolutely!
Mimi - 1st let me say I am so sorry you are still going through all this horrible crap! I wish I could say or do something to help you.
I had to laugh at Maddie and Alex because Jada's bf (hehe) name is Alex..lol. I don't know if you remember him but he was the only boy at her birthday party :) She says her and Alex are going to get married and live in her playroom.
Hope you get feeling better :(
I know what you mean by brain pain. I get horrible headaches and all they can tell me is they are tension. Sure. I hope you are feeling better!
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