What Rhymes With Conjunctivitis?
Yes, she came down with Pink Eye, aka Conjunctivitis, yesterday morning. It started in the left eye and quickly moved to the right eye as well. She may not be too awfully irritable and grumpy over it, but I sure am! Have you tried giving eye drops to a nervous 4 year old lately? If not, I don't suggest trying it. Let me tell you what a very (not) fun activity it is...and a day-long one at that. By the time we get one of three daily doses in, it's time to start fighting her to do the next one. *SIGH*
Our weekend was fun, however...we had a Kindermusick Christmas party on Saturday morning. It was a PJ and waffle party (no, I did NOT attend in my PJ's, but the girls did). They sang songs, did crafts and played and played and played. It was actually pretty fun (but TIRING!!!). On Saturday night, we had a lot of our neighbors over for a Christmas party at our house. There were about 18 people who came (or about 5 sets of neighbors), and it was just a good, fun time of talking and eating.
On Sunday, we took Maddie to see the Nutcracker, which was put on by the Lexington Ballet and the Lexington Philharmonic. I felt so blessed because somehow, we ended up with front row, center seats!! We could look over the railing in front of us into the orchestra pit, which was really neat. The ballet was TERRIFIC!!!!! Maddie was enthralled, Phil nodded off...I cried. Seriously! Ballet is and has always been "in my blood." I wish that I could have went a long, long way in ballet, but I made choices that took me away from it. Anyway, it was all just so beautiful and exciting to be so close. It was a wonderful first ballet for Maddie to see...hopefully there will be many more.
That's about it...yesterday was spent in the doctor's office trying to get Maddie better. Geez...this is literally going to be the LOOONNNNGGGEEESSSTTT 5 days of my life trying to fight her over these eye drops. Any suggestions?????
Oh, and PS...I wanted to give a "shout out" to Ree in Alabama!! : ) It was really good to hear from you. Hope you're doing well!!!
Labels: Everyday Boring Life
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