My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Maddie and Mackenzie

I haven't given an update on my girlies lately. They are both doing so well! I should really talk about them more here and complain less, huh? : )


Maddie will turn 4 in just 8 1/2 more weeks! : ( Where does the time go??? She is pretty much fully potty-trained now, with the exception of a few "LAZY" accidents here and there. She does wear a Pull-Up at night, though. We'll work on that next. She is about to graduate from her very first ballet class...recital will be on June 7th. Mommy will cry. I'll be sure to post pictures of her in her pretty, frilly costume. After that, on June 19th, she will begin swimming classes. She's very excited about it, and I'm excited that she'll be learning how to deal with being in the water...just in case.

She's very funny and inciteful! She has made up at least a dozen of her own songs, my favorite of which is "3-2-1...Blastoff...b-b-blastoff...blastoff all day!" My second favorite is "Katie's coming over today, Katie's coming over today, Katie's coming over today and we're gonna play." (Have NO idea who Katie is...) She tells me things like, "Mommy, you're making me EXASPERATED!" At church this past week, she was sitting there really bored listening to the sermon, then the communion and offering, and when the piano player started playing, she leaned over and whispered to me, "Mommy, it's going off now." (As in the credits rolling after a show - LOL!)


Mackenzie is a little monkey. She's constantly climbing, jumping, throwing (or more like FLINGING - her food)...she's a ball of energy. Loves to SCREAM at the top of her lungs. She's starting to say more lately...I'd been a bit worried about her lack of speech, but it seems she's finally beginning to say a little more now. I keep forgetting that she was a preemie...that I really have to adjust her age and remember what she should and shouldn't be doing right now. I guess taking that into consideration, she's average on her speech.

She loves to dance! Any time Maddie sings one of her songs, Mackenzie will just stomp and march and carry on along with her. And she LOVES her big sis! She's constantly hugging Maddie and loving on her...and sometimes Maddie doesn't want her to do that. I just figured out yesterday that she's addicted to her blanket. I put her down for a nap, and her usual blanket that's been in her bed with her forever wasn't there. She would NOT take any other blanket that I gave her. We finally found it, and she just hugged it and tucked it up between her shoulder and head and laid down with it. Oh boy! This should be's kind of sweet, though.

So here's a few pictures from Easter and some other things (better late than never, huh?):

This is Maddie and her friend, Jada. Jada is Jamie's daughter, my good friend who posts here sometimes. This was the morning after we all went to see the Disney Princesses on Ice.

Here's Maddie and Mackenzie in their Easter dresses. I can't believe that Mackenzie actually left her hair bow in all day!!

Maddie kept picking the pretty blooms off of Nana and Pappy's tree, but I thought this was a cute picture of her anyway. : )

I think this is my most favorite picture of Mackenzie ever! (Actually a picture that she sat still for!) Take notice of the phone she's holding...that was my very first cell phone!!! LOL! Look how HUGE it is!

And finally, this is Maddie with her "friends!" They're actually her second cousins, Gracie (left) and Emma (right). They are the daughters of my cousin, Kathy.

Hope you enjoyed!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your girls are absolutely beautiful! I love the pictures! They grow up so fast don't they???

12:51 PM  
Blogger Chantal said...

The girls are so pretty. Mackenzie is getting so big!
Hope you are feeling better soon


5:15 PM  

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