My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Sorry that I've been so slow in updating this blog...there has been SOOOOOOOO much going on lately.

For one, I've been completely busy with all of the work that I've had on my desk. I've finally waded through all of that and have finished most of my big projects - YAY!

Secondly, I've been studying for my CPA exam - YAY! I actually say YAY to that because I'm excited about it. I kind of feel like I've gotten a second chance - and this time I have to be serious about it. I feel like a kid in school again with the studying, partying...OOPS, I mean... : ) (Just kidding!) So I'm scheduled to take the first of four parts of the exam on August 31st at 4:00 PM. Please pray, if you are so inclined, that God's will may shine through on this.

So...on to the topic at hand. What the heck is Myokymia?

According to
this website, it "...describes successive, involuntary, small muscle contractions or tics that affect a bundle of muscles. The muscle movements are usually visible under the skin and can be felt." I found this to be VERY true starting this past Thursday night. I was working quietly when all of the sudden, I thought that an Alien was going to pop out of my left arm! (Think of the "Alien" movies, if you have seen them.) My arm muscles began rippling and moving so much that you could see it on the outside. It got painful after awhile, I suppose, because the muscles were moving so much and in such crazy contorted directions.

This lasted about 3 days and even traveled into my leg, along with some lovely vibration feelings.

So...this sucks for 2 reasons:

1. This all happened on my LEFT side. Everything else has happened previously on my RIGHT side. A switch in sides typically denotes a new flare up. we go again!

2. According, again, to the above-referenced webpage, "...myokymia is seen in a number of serious nervous conditions including multiple sclerosis." Great. Just another thing to add to the growing list.

So now that we've all learned a new word today, let's all go out and use it in everyday life. ;) Or not...

Anyway, I know that I still owe you all pictures from Maddie's birthday party, and I will get them up soon. We have some really cute shots that I'm dying to share. I'll try to do that later tonight or tomorrow.




Blogger Rhonda said...

Ugh!! How cruddy to find another symtom, but on the other hand, maybe this might give you that Definative Dx that has been eluding you and help get your treatment plan more fine tuned.

I will be prayin' hard for your exams!!

5:44 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

I need an update please!

I'm assuming quiet means you are enjoying the last bit of summer????

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are experiencing symptoms on a different side. (((HUGS)))
Hope you are doing well!

9:54 PM  

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