Learning, Learning Everywhere!
It's back to school time and back to study time and everything else...
Maddie started her 4 year old Preschool class at Woodford Christian Preschool last Wednesday, the 6th. She absolutely LOVES it! To my surprise, she goes right into her classroom with no problems. She's learning so much and is making lots of new friends. Her teacher is a good friend of ours who we used to go to church with, so that makes me feel better knowing that Maddie is in such good hands.
So far, she is learning new songs, Bible verses and how to write her name. They fingerpaint, color, play and hear stories throughout their day as well. Maddie would tell you, though, that her favorite part of the day is snack time!
Here's a picture of Maddie taken on school orientation day (her first "un"official day of school):

I made it through the first part of my CPA Exam OK. I feel like I did very well on it, but after I returned home from taking it and began looking through my book, I found a few things that I messed up. I haven't received my grade yet, but I honestly have no feelings one way or the other as to if I passed it or not. I'll, of course, keep you all posted.
In the meantime, I have sent in my request to take the next two parts - Auditing and Business Ethics. I will take those in October and November, respectively. I began studying (again) for the Auditing section. *sigh* That was a really short study break that I got.
Otherwise, we are all just as busy as ever. Maddie just started her second year of dance and is taking tap and ballet this time. She loves both of them! Mackenzie and I are doing Kindermusick together, and we have SO much fun! She just loves to sing and dance, so it's all right up her alley. Plus, she's such a fun-loving, social child, and she greatly enjoys being with the other kids.
I guess that's it for now...just busy, busy, busy as ever! Guess I'd be bored if it were any different.
Labels: Everyday Boring Life
I'm prayin' that you pass!!
Maddie is looking so grown up. She's turning into a beautiful young lady!!
PS ~ Been keeping to my Ovujournal lately. Easier for now.
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