My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Searching for a Diagnosis...

Over the last few years off and on, I've experienced bouts of muscle weakness and severe fatigue, as I've mentioned in other posts. Ever since Mackenzie was born, however, things have progressed and have become very frightening.

My great aunt on my Dad's side had Multiple Sclerosis. In looking back at what this current round of symptoms has become for me, I am now worried that it could be in my future (present?) too.

My symptoms have become far more pronounced in the last few months, and they are as follows:
  • Muscle Weakness - my arms and legs feel like they are weighted at times; usually brought on by stress and/or exercise, though it can happen at other times as well.
  • Joint Pain - My joints often ache in my fingers, wrists, knees, ankles and toes.
  • Numbness/burning - mainly my right foot stays numb (and it could be from throwing my back out back in March, which is fine now), and there have been many times at night when I wake up and that foot will be burning like it's on fire. I also get tingling sensations in both of my feet and sometimes in my hands.
  • Fatigue - But I've had this for years...
  • Clumsiness/forgetfulness - I fell down the stairs the other night while holding on to the bannister and walking slowly. I left the water in the sink running while I got into the shower and didn't realize that it was still on until after I turned off the shower. I have a million stories like this, but you get the picture...
  • Light-headedness - Comes and goes, but doesn't happen very often. Could be from allergies...

My muscle weakness has become so severe that where I once was someone who loved to walk, I now almost have to call Phil to come pick me up in the car because I just get so exhausted and feel like I can't possibly make it back to my house. There are times when I feel like I'm going to drop Mackenzie when I'm holding her because my arms get so weak.

I came to the realization that somethings not quite right with me a few weeks ago. All of my symptoms individually have other possible explanations for them (allergies, Endo, back problems, etc.), but as a whole, they are scary to me to see the big picture. I went to see my General Practitioner about it, and he referred me to a Neurologist for further testing.

My Neurologist is Dr. C at the Lexington Clinic. I was very skeptical about him at first because I looked up his profile on the website, and it seemed that he was very young, plus his specialties were with stroke and dementia patients. He ended up being extremely concerned and thorough in his approach to determining what is going on with me. He first tested my muscle strength and my reflexes in the office during my consultation (last Fri, Oct. 21). He said that everything seemed pretty well in that department, so he went on to order blood tests (can't remember what for, though - figures!) and then I am to have an MRI on my brain and neck tomorrow (Oct. 28th). I will be given a Valium, thankfully, before the procedure, as I am horribly Clausterphobic!

After the MRI, if all of the results come back clear, then we will move along to nerve and muscle testing where they use electrical currents to stimulate the nerves and stick needles into the muscles to see how they react. I would greatly prefer that it doesn't get to this point because that sounds like NO fun whatsoever!

Anyway, I am completely aware that these things could be happening for any number of reasons, and I hope to God that the drs. are able to find the problem quickly and treat it as successfully as possible.

And to think that I have just finally gotten my Endo pain under control...



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