My Journey...

Daily ramblings of an Endometriosis survivor, possible MS sufferer, wife and Mommy of 2 precious little girls...but more so lately, a place to complain because I just don't feel good.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

An Introduction

So I started this blog back in January 2005, but I am just now getting around to really starting on it. How bad is that!?!

So how about introductions to start things off??

I turned 30 years old 7 months ago, but I still feel like I should be 16 (although my body acts like it's 60 most of the time!). I have two of the most beautiful little girls it the whole world - Madeline Grace is 3 and Mackenzie Faith is 1 (13 months). Although they can be little monsters at times, they are the lights of my life!

I've been married to the love of my life for almost 7 years - Phil. We met 8 1/2 years ago through my cousin, Delaine...he was good friends with her and her ex-husband, Johnie. I, frankly, did not want to meet him at the time because I had just come to the conclusion at that point in my life that it was a good thing to be alone sometimes. I sure am glad I went to dinner that night, though...the rest, as they say, is history!

I always feel sorry for Phil, though, that he got stuck with someone like me (although he's wonderful enough to say that he wouldn't even want anyone else). I've struggled with my health almost for as long as we have been married. Shortly after we married, I began having a lot of problems with severe fatigue. I was diagnosed shortly after with what my dr. called "Chronic Epstein Barr Virus" - the virus that causes Mono and Strep. I believe now that this was a "get out of my office and leave me alone" diagnosis (ie., bogus!).

It was many years later, after the birth of Maddie, that I realized that there was more to my problems than I had ever realized. I had Laparascopic surgery in December 2003 where I was finally given my correct diagnosis - Endometriosis. This disease, in and of itself, has been a journey of its own...I'll elaborate on this in a separate post.

Now that I've taken measures to manage my pain from the Endo, yet another set of problems have risen. I'm having an MRI tomorrow on my brain to check for possible MS or other Neurological problems...I'll also elaborate on this in a separate post.

(Now can you see why I feel sorry that my husband got stuck with me??) :)

Anyway, at times I feel like a complete hypochondriac, but at the same time, I KNOW that my symptoms are real and are very present in my every day life. I just don't want to be THAT kind of person who moans and gripes and complains about every little ache and pain, but I'm afraid that's exactly what I'm becoming... : (

So here I am...starting this blog - finally - to get some of this crud that crowds my brain out for good!

So if you're reading this...thanks for caring enough to try to understand me! Love to you all!

My prayers for today:

My MRI tomorrow - that I can get the answers I'm looking for
My friends and family who are sick right now
My Church who is beginning a new Capital improvements campaign
My friends who so long for a baby of their own, that they will hold their own child very soon!
My pregnant buddies, that they will have wonderful, healthy babies
My dear buddy, Rhonda, that God will grant her a pain-FREE life very soon (and that goes for all of my Endo buddies...)



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